Friday, April 22, 2016

Entertainer of the Year

We had a very entertaining assembly. Our presenter talked about the importance of books, juggled, spun ten plates in the air at one time, and told funny jokes! He even had a student from our class, Terrell, be his special assistant! 

High Interest Day Fun

The students always have an amazing time during high interest day! It is so fun to see their faces light up when they learn and participate in new and different activities. Thank you so much for all the volunteers that make this event so awesome! 

Monday, April 18, 2016

Before Break March Madness

Before spring break students competed to have their best behavior in our all-school march madness bracket. Classrooms went head to head to see who could receive more tickets. At the end of this incentive rooms with the most tickets competed in lightening. Everyone has a blast.  I have never heard the kids scream so loud! 

Research Clubs

In reading we have begun our non-fiction research clubs. Students are working in groups of three to study an animal, synthesize their information and use discussion in their comprehension. Students have enjoyed this work and have taken leadership in taking notes and sharing their ideas. Ask your child which animals they have been researching!